Kids Birthday Photoshoot Ideas

October 4, 2021 | No Comments

kids photoshoots ideas and tips

Birthdays are always special when it comes to documenting the kid’s growth and having a memoir for them to look back on. Creativity in the ideas of photo shooting kids on their birthdays can be a very interesting activity. Not only does it appeal to the viewers, but it also makes up for a great way of documenting memory, their age and its significance. Over the years, these pictures will also act as a reflection on themselves as an individual.

Having a creative picture on their birthdays also involves a lot of memories, which amounts to the relationship’s health and boosts happiness among people who are included. Photography is the art that can stop time into a little documentation and preserve it for eternity and stir good memories among people. Below, there is a detailed list of creative ways of clicking pictures of kids on their birthdays.

Creative Photoshoot Ideas

1. Wood letter building blocks to spell out their age

The early onsets of learning and building a good cerebral development among kids come from their introduction to building blocks. When they are made aware of their age with blocks, it acts as a way of playful knowledge and documents a great memory through portraits.

2. Putting up banners

Banners are effective in easily attracting the viewer’s attention and will help people know the age the picture will be taken. Additionally, they are made to be colorful to appeal to the kids and is another learning technique. This is also a great prop for happy portrait birthday pictures.

3. Holding up their age written on a chalkboard

It is another effective way of learning the introduction of words and numbers through writing and scribbling on chalkboards. This is a very informative technique where the kid will be asked to write their age and record it in their blooming minds. Being aware of one’s age is an important part of growth. This method can be implemented throughout their birthdays till they are mature enough to know their age.

4. Holding up numbers with fingers

Baby birthday phooshoot

Children in their blooming years learn the first and foremost thing – counting. Counting and holding up their age is another very effective way of making them aware of their age. This will help them be equipped with counting and also amounts to a great picture and a memory.

5. Holding a large piece of wood that is cut in the shape of the number of their age

This is a great prop that adds to the royalty of the picture of the birthday child. This prop will hold the significance of them getting through that age and looking back, and it will serve to be a great memory jogger.

6. Collection of balloons for their birthday

Kids love to play with balloons, so synchronizing their look and attire with the colors of the balloon will be great eye candy for the picture to be perfect. Posing for the camera with the balloon will make up for a great memory with the significance of their birthday.

7. Having their age printed on their favorite shirt

biirthday photoshoot ideas

This is a very interesting way of clicking a picture of the birthday child. Their favorite color tee or top can have their age engraved, which would attract their eye and interest them.

8. Favorite Cartoon Characters holding up the age of the birthday kid

This will probably be the most effective way of capturing the happiness and smile of the kids when they will see someone wearing the costume of their favorite cartoon character, holding up the age of the child and wishing them on their day. Kids will be sure to go crazy behind this idea.

9. Favorite thing spelling out their age

As kids, they choose their favorite toys and things which interest them, so it would be very creative to create the number of their age with their favorite things. This will add to their personality and express their interest in the most creative way. This method will also excite the child for their birthday.

10. Playing scrabble and spelling out their age

Scrabbles is yet another of the most iconic games of everyone’s childhood, a great booster of intellect among children. This is another way of increasing the knowledge of the child by making them spell out their age with scrabble tiles. Such a picture will be sure to pass down through families and might be the signature pose for their family’s birthdays.

11. Portrait while children are painting their age

This is a very creative idea for an effective photoshoot of the child’s portrait on their birthday. This activity lets them play with colors while painting any screen on the wall, and it is fun to get shots from these moments to prize these memories later.

12. Crowded pictures make for better reminiscence

It is important to make sure that the pictures of the children are filled with people from their childhood who they will get to remember through the ages as it will create a great memory for them. Everyone want to look back at their childhood and feel happy about their birthdays.

13. Candid

kids birthday photography

A candid capture the raw essence of the moment, which are prized forever as they grow up. It is important to make sure that their candid are preserved with creativity and safety.


Memory documentation is a crucial part of every moment of children’s lives to someday look back whenever they need to look back. Pictures are great time capsules that rewind the time and take you back to whichever memory you choose to travel to again.

Having creative birthday shoots will make children feel important and treasured, and they will treasure the pictures to reflect on their growth. These pictures would be a great fit to be passed down to generations. After all, who does not like filling their albums and scrapbooks with beautiful and cherishable moments with family?

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