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/ photography hacks

color correction

Color correction in photo editing is a crucial process that involves adjusting and enhancing the colors of an image to achieve a desired look and feel. From correcting white balance to fine-tuning hues and saturations, the art of color correction empowers photographers and visual content creators to breathe life into their images. Shootpro24, with decades of experience color correction in photo editing engage clients with stunning results.

The process of color correction entails particular attention to detail, where every shade and tone is carefully evaluate and adjusted to achieve harmony and coherence within the image. By understanding the principles of color theory and the technical aspects of color grading, individuals can harness the full potential of their photographs, elevating them from ordinary snapshots to captivating visual masterpieces.

Embracing the power of color correction in photo editing is akin to wielding a digital paintbrush with finesse. As photography editors, we understand the significance of color correction in portraying the true intent of each image. Join us as we unravel the nuances of color correction, empowering you to unleash the full potential of your visual storytelling.o

Importance of Color Correction in Photography

The importance of color correction in photography is an unavoidable factor. It says the cornerstone of image enhancement, allowing photographers to convey the intended mood, atmosphere, and visual impact within their captured moments. In visual storytelling, image tone, colors evoke emotions, and guide the viewer’s perception, making color correction is an essential tool for crafting narratives through imagery.

An accurately color-corrected image preserves the authenticity of the scene, ensuring that the visual representation remains faithful to the original subject matter. Whether it’s a vibrant landscape, a candid portrait, or a product showcase, precise color correction breathes life into the imagery, making it resonate with the audience on a deeper, more visceral level.

Moreover, in the age of digital media and online content consumption, the visual appeal of photographs plays a pivotal role in capturing and retaining the viewer’s attention. Effective color correction not only enhances the aesthetic allure of images but also contributes to brand identity, marketing effectiveness, and overall visual communication strategies.

Common Issues Addressed by Color Correction

Color correction serves as a remedy of common issues encountered in photography, ranging from technical discrepancies to creative enhancements. One common challenge is white balance correction, which corrects the unwanted color casts from lighting conditions changes. Whether it’s indoor fluorescent lighting, golden-hour outdoor settings, or mixed light sources, white balance adjustment ensures that the colors appear natural and true to life.

Exposure correction is another vital aspect, as it involves balancing the brightness and contrast levels within an image. Overexposed or underexposed spots can be meticulously adjust to reveal hidden details and restore the visual equilibrium, thereby refining the overall aesthetic quality of the photograph.

color correction

Furthermore, color grading allows for creative manipulation of hues, tints, and tones to evoke specific moods, enhance visual appeal, and align with branding guidelines. By addressing these common issues through adept color correction techniques, photographers can elevate the impact and cohesiveness of their visual narratives, captivating their audience with visually compelling content.

Contact our team to get the advanced edits in color correction for your photographs. We do wedding photography editing, product photography editing, all events photographs editing. Our team specialized with all type of image editing, restoration, manipulation and more. 

photography ideas

Have you ever wished you knew how to take photographs that are both stunning and professional in appearance? Every professional-looking photograph is the result of years of expertise, extensive experience, and high-end photography equipment. However, you do not have to go that far in order to capture your own amazing photographs. Check out here for creative photography hacks.

Instead, you need to turn on your creative mode, and your basic photography gears will turn out to be as apt as any high-end equipment would be. 

Here are 10 creative photography tips and hacks that will surprise you with the results. 

1. Fake Bokeh with a tin foil

Creating bokeh photographs is certainly about having a fast camera, skills, and few camera settings. But if you are not a professional photographer, you can use tin foil to create a bokeh background. 

fake Bokeh with a tin foil

Crumble the tin foil, and use it as a background for your subject. You can experiment with the results by changing or moving the light over the tin foil. 

2. Underwater photo using a fish tank

Underwater photography is often backed by an expensive budget. Usually, this type of photography involves scuba-diving and a waterproof digital camera. But if you don’t own one or underwater photography is not a practice you often do, you can use a fish tank for shots.

Underwater photo using a fish tank

You can put the camera on the tank to avoid it from getting wet. Also, remember that the regular camera settings will not work. Try to avoid the flash. 

3. Soft focus with a Pantyhose

Soft focus is a popular aesthetic in modern times, and early Hollywood films used this concept of photography for female actresses. While the soft-focus effect uses the imperfection of lens optics, you can use a pantyhose to create a near-perfect soft-focus shot.

Soft focus with a Pantyhose

Use the pantyhose over your lens, and fix it using rubber bands. But remember that different colors of pantyhose will bring different results.

4. Instant bokeh with your laptop

bokeh with laptop

This might not be the most realistic looking photograph, but you can still try out your skills and creativity for fun. Open a bokeh image on your laptop, and use it as background. You might want to place a flat surface over the keyboard if you are planning to click the full length of the object. 

5. Overhead shot with DIY holder.

photography hacks

Overhead shots will require many pieces of equipment, but you can make your own top-down camera holder. Use cardboard to fold in a little shelf, ensuring it makes a semi-square shape with wings on both sides. You hold the wings with cello tapes to hold to the ceiling and put your mobile on the shelf with the desired timer. 

6. Rainy day photography with a spray

Rainy day photography with a spray

If you want fresh looking rainy day photos but are not sure whether it will rain any day soon, you can always create fake rain. You can create a shot through a window where raindrops are resting. This type of photography often uses a glass surface with raindrops, and the subject is behind the glass surface. You can use spray water on the glass surface for effect.

7. Cucoloris photography

If you want some economic cucoloris photography effects, you can use cardboard and a knife to cut them into different shapes. If you want to create a window shadow backdrop, you will need to cut your cardboard with a window shape. Position this shape in front of the camera lighting, and let it cast shadows on the subject.

8. Photo filters with transparent colored films

Surely, you can edit your photos after being clicked with an unlimited number of filters, but there’s nothing like using filters to click your photos. You can use different colored plastic bags or transparent films to place them in front of the lens to get colored filters.

You can always experiment with two different colors at the same time on both sides.

9. Photo filter with sunglasses

One of the great and convenient ways to add filters to your photos is to use your sunglasses. Sunglasses always have a surface that changes the color of the scene.

No matter what camera you have, either professional or mobile, you can use sunglasses in front as you click a picture. 

10. Add lens flare with a torch.

Including a lens flare in your photograph enhances the realistic appearance of the image. When taking photographs outside, it is common to see a lens flare appear in your photographs as the sunsets. Using a torchlight to create artificial light can help you achieve a lens flare indoors if you are trying to photograph in low light.

Natural lens flare requires the manipulation of the subject; whereas an artificial light source is more convenient because it allows for the manipulation of the light source (and thus the subject).


Let’s see which of these photography hacks seems doable for you. Do let us know if you want more creative ideas for photography like them.