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Product Photography Tips

June 28, 2021 | Blog | No Comments

best product photography tips

Many people think that still life or product photography is not as indulging as photographing live subjects. But product photographers say otherwise. In product photography, you can play around and push your creativity to a new level limit. Here are some product photography tips for capturing stunning shots.

1. Use the Right Lens

The use of a wide-angle lens affects the object’s proportions, making your product look distorted, and no one wants that. The main focus is on the product you need to capture and represent it beautifully to please your client perfectly. It is suggested to use standard or regular lenses that work closest in comparison to the human eye.

2. Angle and Aperture

Angle and Aperture

The widest aperture or lowest f-stop makes sure that the object is in the middle, making it the center of attraction. Ensure that the background and everything around it is blended smoothly. If you are using a model, remember that the audience’s attention should be on the product at hand and not the secondary object. Try to use an aperture that is large enough to capture every minute detail of the product perfectly.

3. Lighting Techniques

In photography, especially of products, lighting is the most crucial factor. According to the intention of the shoot, the lighting parameters will change. Remember to aim two lights at the backdrop on either side of the products. This technique will help highlight the product from the wall. Then use one light in the front and one slightly above the product. This angle will eliminate any shadows formed and will make sure the product is perfectly lit.

4. Know how to Sell the Product

The key to selling any product is to sell the idea of the product to the customer. Whether purchasing this product makes your life more convenient, using a specific interest or a particular lifestyle. The shot of the product should tell the story of why you need it in your life. – One of the perfect product photography tips.

5. Experiment

Play around with different styles and put your creativity to the taste because your subject will not object to it. You can play with reflections as well. But pay close attention to how your lights, angle, and you reflect in the product. To remove any reflection, you can either move your tip or retouch it later.

6. Color Theory

Ensure that you have a high level of knowledge about using different colors to enhance an image. Color theory is vital to understanding how different colors affect humans’ thinking processes, emotions, etc. The proper selection of color shades will help you a lot in marketing the product.

Make full use of the four well-known color combinations, Complimentary, Triadic, Analogous, and Split Complementary. Ensure you have the perfect lighting. After the shoot, you can always play around and adjust the colors in the frame to suit your requirement.


There are no hard and fast rules to abide by to take photographs. According to your needs, use these tips to enhance your skills. Remember you do not need any fancy course or expensive equipment to take photos. All you need is some inspiration, a little knowledge of the field, and creativity. Please comment below your suggestions for product photography tips.

You can reach shootpro24 for perfect photo editing and video editing works for your projects.

COVID 19 Photography Tips and Guidelines

June 21, 2021 | Blog | No Comments

COVID 19 Photography Tips and Guidelines

Who knew the pandemic situation would affect everyone so profoundly? To cure the spread of the disease, the government imposed multiple rules and even declared a lockdown. The current situation affected all individuals, their lifestyle, industries as well as the market. People were forced to work from home. Photographers are no expectation to this rule. Here are some COVID 19 photography tips to help prevent the worsening of the pandemic and keep everyone safe and happy.

1. Social Distancing

Now is not the appropriate time to go wandering in crowded places for some shots.  It is recommended not to go to public places. Some photographers like photojournalists are risking their lives to provide content for people to know about the current situation. If you are not one of them, then try working from home.

If you need to venture out, ensure you follow the pandemic guidelines of wearing a mask and maintaining social distance. To flatten the curve of the pandemic, we are supposed to implement social distance. We need to keep a minimum distance of 6 feet or 2 meters from other people in public space. After the shoot, ensure you self-quarantine yourself in a room for at least two weeks.

2. Clean your Equipment

Due to the pandemic, everyone has a lot of time on their hands. Hence why not make the best use of it. Clean your camera and lenses often. If you are out on a shoot, ensure you clean your gear every time you get home. Remember to clean your smartphone as well.


Collaborating is very common in the photography industry. However, it is suggested to avoid sharing or handing off your gear due to the current scenario. Studies have shown that the virus can live for a long time on surfaces. Hence sharing any equipment can be hazardous to your and the other person’s health. Remember, after every shoot, ensure to clean and sanitize all your gear from now.

3. Check Your Finances

This time is challenging for the photo and film industries as many shoots and gigs get cancelled. Due to this, there will be some loss in income. Hence plan your finances properly and try not to spend any additional money on unnecessary purchases. Consult with banks or creditors who are offering assistance during this time.

4. Avoiding Declining Clients

This time is stressful for everyone. Hence do not reject any projects from clients. Try to understand their situation and cooperate with them. Communicate with your clients to clarify any doubts or queries. Until the good days come back, everyone should cooperate during this challenging time.


Now is the best time to breathe and relax. Take some time to think about new innovative projects or focus on your life. Do not stress about getting a gig too much. Because if it is meant to be, you will get it. Work on yourself, improve your skills and techniques. Try to abide by the given pandemic guidelines to ensure your and everyone’s well-being. Remember, every little bit helps.