Channel Masking Photo Editing Services
January 17, 2022 | No Comments

Some photos resist even the deftest use of the Pen tool, the most delicate constriction of a layer mask, and the most subtle use of adjustment layers. Check out here for channel masking photo editing services.
You’ve seen the images, those windy pictures, the flower arrangement with the seemingly limitless number of intricate edges, or the full bloom branches. We need a different approach for such images, a channel mask.
How to Use Channel Masks in Photoshop
Method 1: HSB/HSL Channel Masking
Step 1: Duplicate the layer for which you want to construct a mask.
Step 2: Navigate to Filter >> Other >> HSB/HSL..
Step 3: Navigate to the Channels tab. If you can’t find it, navigate to Windows >> Channels. There you have your three layers. The Hue layer is red. The Saturation layer is green, and the Brightness/Lightness layer is blue.
Step 4: Click on the ‘Green’ layer while holding down the Ctrl key. This will choose the saturated colours in your image in varying degrees.
Step 5: Delete the layer you applied the HSB/HSL filter.
Step 6: Click on the mask icon and then on the layer you want to apply the mask. Press Ctrl I to acquire the inverse mask if you need to invert the mask for different effects.

Method 2: RGB Channel Masking
Step 1: Launch Photoshop and open the image. Channels should be available in any version of Photoshop that supports layers.
Step 2: Select the Channels tab. If you can’t find it, navigate to Windows >> Channels. The channels are all RGB. All of the photos are made up of varied red, green, and blue shades.
Step 3: To determine which channel has the biggest contrast, click on each one. That is usually the blue channel. However, it truly depends on the colours in the image.
Step 4: Drag the channel you want to add to the channels window to the + sign at the bottom. This will duplicate the channels. You make a copy since changing the virtual channel will cause your image to shift in unanticipated ways.
Step 5: Ctrl L after clicking on the channel’s copy. This opens the Levels dialogue box.
Step 6: Drag the two sliders at the end to increase the contrast.
Step 7: Hold down Ctrl while clicking on the layer you just altered. This will generate a selection from which a mask can be made.
Step 8: Hold down Alt and click on the Mask icon, then click on the layer to which you wish to apply the mask. This will result in the creation of an inverted mask of the selection. In the Channels tab, you can also invert the channel.
Step 9: Remove the mask elements that you don’t want. If sections of the mask reveal parts of the image that you don’t want to see, use the brush to paint Black on the areas you want to hide.
Step 10: To view your mask’s appearance, press Alt and click on it.
Step 11: Change the Mode to ‘Overlay’ by pressing B for Brush.
Step 12: Choose White as your foreground colour and paint the image to clean up your mask.
Step 13: Choose Black as the foreground colour and paint it over the image where you want it to be black.
Step 14: Employ your effect.
We hope you can successfully edit those fine details and bring the best out of your snapshots with the given two methods.
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